Automated extraction and Fast cleaning...
Everything else is boring!

On the left side of OnePot is a panel for connecting the inlet and outlet both for liquids and gases.
The connections are straightforward and need the usage of a PTFE pipe (4mm internal diameter and 6mm external diameter)

Outlet line for
Gases Product
Outlet Line for
Liquid Waste
Outlet Lines for
Outlet Line for
Liquid Product
Outlet line for
Gases Waste
Liquid, Gases and Solid Product extraction
Experience a level of convenience and efficiency like never before with our integrated fluidic circuits. Our circuits automatically extract quantities for both liquids and gases, making it easier for you to focus on your work. Plus, you can register new products in our warehouse and use them as reagents for future reactions, even between multiple OnePots connected in series.
At the end of the procedure, you don't have to worry about the recovery of solid products or waste. Our vessel allows you to effortlessly retrieve them from the bottom of the container. And if the size of the solid particles is suitable for the tube's internal diameters, you can also recover them by keeping them in suspension and using the liquid outlet line. With our innovative technology, you can increase productivity and streamline your workflow.

Sampling for in-line Analytics and QC
By adding a "Sampling" stage to the Procedure design, you can easily monitor the evolution of the reaction during the development phase. Two sampling lines can be used to extract a small amount of mixture during the reaction running. This allows for in-line quality control when the procedure is run remotely.
With some customization, you can even connect OnePot with analytical tools for in-line analytics. So, streamline your Procedure design and ensure quality control with OnePot's convenient features.

Maintaining a clean and hygienic OnePot is an essential part of laboratory work. To ensure the OnePot remains in excellent condition, we recommend performing a specific cleaning Stage at the end of your Procedure. By introducing a solvent, heating and mixing it at maximum speed for 5 minutes, you can easily clean the OnePot.
In addition to the above, we also suggest performing a more thorough cleaning process by removing the vessel and washing it traditionally. This will ensure that you leave the OnePot ready for use by future users.
The upper surface of the head can be washed with solvent and a cloth, and there are no sharp edges that could potentially contaminate subsequent procedures. For a more comprehensive cleaning, all components of the upper surface, including the Spots, can be effortlessly disassembled. By doing this, you can ensure that the OnePot remains in top-notch condition for longer.
While the reagent inlet lines are automatically washed with the inserted solvent at each insertion, we recommend replacing the pipes connecting to OnePot each time the destination of the line changes. This will help to maintain the OnePot's hygiene and avoid any potential contamination.
By following these simple guidelines, you can ensure that your OnePot remains in excellent condition, allowing you to achieve the best possible results for your experiments.